ABWMS Wound Care Fellowship
The ABWMS has established a Commission on Wound Care Fellowship Program Directors. The Commission will assist the Board in the achievement of its goals. The Commission is chaired by Rummana Aslam, MD who conducts a wound care fellowship program at Hackensack University Medical Center Hackensack UMC, New Jersey. Assisting Dr. Aslam are other Diplomates: William Lagaly, DO; Jayesh Shah, MD; Richard Simman, MD; Neal Sharpe, MD. The Commission is governed by a set of Rules and Regulations.
The ABWMS has developed a full curriculum for fellowship education and training. The Board wishes to encourage new fellowships in wound medicine and surgery that are consistent with its curriculum which, in turn, is consistent with the domains in which the ABWMS tests physicians.
Physicians Seeking Fellowships in Wound Care
Physicians who are board-certified, board-eligible or soon to be boarded and are seeking fellowship training in wound care are encouraged to click on the link below.
Teaching Hospitals
Teaching hospitals interested in establishing a wound care fellowship are encouraged to click on the link below for more information.