Practice Test

Why Take It

To experience taking a computerized exam, to review content included in Certification Examination for Physicians in Wound Medicine and Surgery, and to learn more about question format, style, and level of difficulty. 

How to Apply

Click the link below and click the tab at the top called “How to Get Started” for instructions.

The practice test for ABWMS is called “The Online Practice Test for Physicians in Wound Medicine and Surgery.”

Content Included in Practice Test

Basic Wound Science

Clinical and Diagnostic Evaluation 


Risk Factors

Practice Management

Practice Test Fee

$100, paid by credit card online. 

Score Report

After completing the online practice test, you will receive an instant score report showing test performance in each of the content areas. The score report does not provide correct answers or indicate which questions were answered correctly and incorrectly. 

Practice Exam FAQs

Our candidate handbook contains information about our exam and practice test. You can also learn about testing conditions, accommodations, and more from the handbook.

Practice Test Disclaimer

The online practice test is an optional tool candidates may use as they prepare for the certification examination. While the practice test may help candidates identify areas of strengths and weakness, it should not be used as the only means to determine candidate preparedness or readiness to test. Since the practice test is NOT intended to be a study guide nor the sole source of preparation for the actual certification examination, candidates are NOT provided with the answer key, rationales for each question, nor notification of which specific items were answered correctly or incorrectly. 

Though the specific questions that are on the practice test will not appear on the actual certification examination, it allows candidates to become familiar with the style of questions that may be asked. The instant score report received after practice test submission shows overall test performance as well as performance in each of the content areas. Candidates may find this information useful in determining future study needs. Once the practice test is scored, candidates cannot return to the test to review the questions. Performance on the practice test does not guarantee similar performance on the actual certification examination. 

The PTC Online Testing System does not demonstrate the testing software used during the certification examinations. Those who purchase the online practice test should be aware that they will use a different testing platform when they take certification examinations at designated proctored testing centers. 

The practice test is not a requirement for certification eligibility nor does it contribute in any way to success on the certification examination. There are many ways candidates should prepare for the certification examination. Candidates should use a variety of resources and consider their own education and experiences. Review the content outline and reference materials listed in the handbook for additional exam-related information.