Guidelines for Recertification


ABWMS Continuous Certification Assessment Test

Recertification through the ABWMS Continuous Certification Assessment Test is a continuation of its primary responsibility as a certifying medical body. The ABWMS has sought to design a program that is meaningful, relevant, and of value to practicing wound care physicians. At the same time, the program is responsive to the public and demonstrates that certified wound care physicians are lifelong learners.

There are 2 components to recertification:

Continuing Medical Education Requirement

Continuous Certification Assessment Test

Continuing Medical Education Requirement

To apply for recertification through continuous education:

  • Ten (10) continuing medical education (CME) hours per year (specifically addressing wound care) must be submitted before the current certification expires.
  • All CME hours must have been completed during the ten (10) years prior to the diplomate’s certification renewal date.
  • Recertification is required every ten (10) years. Those who recertify in 2022 will report ten (10) hours of CME hours; those who recertify in 2023, twenty (20) hours, and so forth for each succeeding year. Diplomate’s who recertify in 2031 will be required to report 100 CME hours accumulated over a ten (10)-year period.
  • Only ABWMS diplomates in good standing are eligible for the Continuous Certification Program.

Simply log in using the credentials sent to your email, then click the CME tab to self report.

Continuous Certification Assessment Test

Eligible diplomates are required to complete a test designed to be a learning experience by assessing continuing and up-to-date wound medicine knowledge. Applicants will not pass or fail but rather assess their knowledge. Incorrect answers to questions will generate the rationale for the correct answer. 

Instructions will be sent after application and fees have been received.

Accepted Continuing Medical Education Activities

These may include workshops, seminars, professional development offerings (see below), home-study courses, academic courses (undergraduate or graduate) webinars, online study, and state or national conferences. The continuing medical education offering must be provided by or approved by organizations accredited as a provider or an approver of continuing medical education, such as AMA PRA Category 1.

  • An organization accredited as a provider or an approver of continuing physician education by the American Council on Continuing Education (ACCME) and/or by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
  • A state medical society.
  • Organizations that are accredited as a provider of continuing education for physicians by the State Licensing Board.

Additional activities may be accepted for Recertification through the ABWMS Continuous Certification Assessment Test. Though not specifically CME accredited, they will be considered equivalent to CME hours for reporting purposes.  They are as follows:

  • Publication writing: 5 CME hours per chapter
  • Journal article writing: 5 CME hours per article
  • Poster: 2 CME hours per poster
  • Research abstract: 1 CME hours per abstract
  • Textbook Editor: 10 CME hours per text
  • Educational presentations: 2 CME hours per presentation

If credit is being requested for publication, journal article, multimedia/poster presentation, research abstract, textbook editor and/or education presentations, the following documentation must be provided:

  • Publication or article: author(s), title, site/journal of publication, volume/issue, date of publication.  A standard citation would be acceptable, date of presentation 
  • Poster: author(s), title, where presented, date of presentation
  • Research Abstract: author, title, where submitted, date submitted
  • Textbook Editor: standard citation
  • Educational Presentation: title, where presented, date of presentation

Please note that the applicant may be requested to show proof of the number of hours for each continuing medical education (CME) reported.  All program information must be inputted on the ABWMS Self Report CME Form.  Accredited CME hours reporting must include date, program title, provider or sponsor, type of accreditation, and number of CME hours awarded.

Simply log in using the credentials sent to your email, then click the CME tab to self report.

Application Process

Instructions for the ABWMS Continuous Certification Assessment Test will be sent after application and fees have been received.

Recertification by Examination

Diplomates may opt to recertify by taking and passing the certification examination. The online examination application must be submitted, and the examination taken before the certification expiration.


April 30th for those who first certified or recertified in June.

September 30th for those who first certified or recertified in December.

Denial of Recertification

Recertification may be denied for failure to meet the criteria, as outlined above and/or there has been falsification or misrepresentation of information, failure to apply before the stated deadlines, or failure to verify information when proper documentation is requested. Recertification will be denied to any candidate who does not possess a current medical license, primary board certification or is not current with annual admin due to the ABWMS.


All applications are subject to potential audit. Copies of certificates and/or transcripts may be requested. Applications may be randomly selected for audit and the candidate will receive written notice of the audit at the time.

Appeal Process

ABWMS provides an appeal mechanism for challenging the denial of recertification. It is the responsibility of the candidate to initiate the process by writing to the ABWMS Executive Director at:

  • 127 River Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325


If certification has been revoked, i.e., the individual has failed to comply with ABWMS procedures, e.g., no longer licensed, failed to take the ABWMS Continuous Certification Assessment Test, a candidate must meet current eligibility requirements and take the Certification Examination for Wound Medicine and Surgery.


  • American Board of Wound Medicine and Surgery (ABWMS) Professional Testing Corporation, 1350 Broadway, Suite 800, New York, New York 10018
  • (212) 356-0660


Applicants are granted a grace period of three (3) months following the expiration of one’s certification during which time an application for recertification may be submitted. However, such application incurs a late fee. The total charge for an application submitted during this period is $550.


Recertification fees may be paid by:

Credit Card